Updating the hyperlink of an html element using css

I am looking to update this A tag

<a href="contact.html" >Contact</a>


<a href="tel:+13174562564" >Contact</a>

using only CSS, if possible. Alternatively, like this

<a href="tel:+13174562564" >+13174562564</a>

I have numerous pages and editing each one individually is not feasible. That's why I am exploring the option of doing it with CSS since I do not have any JS linked to them.

Answer №1

CSS is limited to styling elements on a webpage and cannot alter the structure of the document object model. Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve this functionality through CSS alone. I wish there were a workaround, but for now, "it cannot be done" remains the final verdict.

Answer №2

CSS is primarily used for styling and presentation purposes, it does not have the capability to alter the HTML structure as you wish. To achieve this goal, JavaScript is the suitable option.

You can accomplish this with a relatively concise script.

Answer №3

One clever solution involves hiding one tag and displaying another

<div id="tag1">
<a href="#tag1">link1</a>
<a href="#tag2">link2</a>

Here's the CSS:

a[href="#tag1"] {

a[href="#tag2"] {

#tag1:target  a[href="#tag1"]{

#tag1:target  a[href="#tag2"]{

This method is particularly useful for creating responsive "buttons" in my menu bar.

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