Updating the font path for Bootstrap-icons on a static website

I need to update the @font-face src path in my bootstrap-icons to ensure it displays correctly in my index.html

My process involves using sass and Laravel Mix to compile to CSS.

This is the content of my src/sass/app.scss file:

@import "~bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons";

This is what my index.html file looks like:

<i class="bi bi-archive-fill"></i>

Here is an overview of my file structure :

├── dist/
│   ├── assets/
│   │    ├── css/
│   │    │    ├── app.css
│   ├── fonts/
│   │    ├── vendor/
│   │    │    ├── bootstrap-icons/
│── src/sass/
│    ├── app.scss
├── index.html

Answer №1

To change the @font-face rule, you can do the following:

@import "~custom-icons/font/custom-icons";

@font-face {
  font-family: "custom-icons";
  src:  url("../../fonts/vendor/custom-icons/custom-icons.woff2?856008caa5eb66df68595e734e59580d") format("woff2"),
        url("../../fonts/vendor/custom-icons/custom-icons.woff?856008caa5eb66df68595e734e59580d") format("woff");

I encountered a similar issue and this solution worked well for me :)

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