Updating CSS using jQuery

Before I continue: While I am familiar with the jQuery.css() function, it unfortunately does not work in my particular case. Allow me to elaborate.

Currently, I have a jQuery color picker set up to change the highlighting on a website. My goal is to utilize that color picker to change the border of an element that is only visible when hovered over.

Unfortunately, the jQuery.css() function only applies CSS to elements it can find and does not affect the :hover CSS attribute.

I attempted to add a CSS class that I could toggle upon hover, but encountered the same issue: I was unable to change only the hover value.

I'm confident there must be a solution out there, but after scouring StackOverflow and Google for nearly an hour, I am starting to feel like I relate to xkcd #627.

Answer №1

Employ the hover method to achieve equivalent outcomes.

$('selector').hover( function(){
    //Function executed when mouse pointer enters the element.
}, function(){
    //Function executed when mouse pointer leaves the element.

Answer №2

Here is an additional answer for you to consider.

If you find yourself needing to dynamically adjust your CSS, it might be a sign that there are issues within your CSS code. It's unusual to require a dynamically generated definition instead of using class toggling to achieve the desired effect.

Imagine you have a widget that can switch between two modes: inactive and active. In the active mode, elements should respond visually to hover events, while in the inactive mode they should not.

<div id="my-widget" class="my-widget-container">
    <div class="element">Something to interact with</div>


.my-widget-container .element { background-color: #ffffff; }
.my-widget-container.active .element:hover { background-color: #00ff00; }

To switch between modes, you can use:


This will activate the :hover style for the element, making it interactive.

If I had more context about your specific situation, I could offer a more tailored solution.

Additionally, the name jQuery.css might be misleading. Perhaps jQuery.style would be a more accurate descriptor of its function.

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