Updating class after refresh of ng-repeat in AngularJS/Javascript

I am currently using angularJs in conjunction with cordova.

Within my ng-repeat loop, each item has an ng-click event that stores the value of the item in an array. Additionally, when I click on an item, it toggles a class on the corresponding div (using the $index of ng-repeat), similar to a checklist.

The issue arises when I reload the ng-repeat, as the classes I added by clicking on the items are lost. I attempted to reapply these classes by calling a function that refreshes the items displayed in the ng-repeat, but unfortunately, the classes were not being added back.

Below is a snippet of my code :

<div id="ami" class="list-group">
           <div href="#" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="ami in listeAmis"> {{ami.pseudo}}<i id="checkAmi{{$index}}" class="fa fa-circle-o pull-right" ng-click="mapCtrl.checkAmi(ami.pseudo, $index);"></i><i class="fa fa-user pull-left" ></i></div>


var amisNotifies = [];

                mapCtrl.checkAmi = checkAmi;
                function checkAmi(pseudo, id) {
                    var info = ({
                        pseudo: pseudo,
                        id: id
                    var getIndexOf = function (psdu) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < amisNotifies.length; i++) {
                            if (amisNotifies[i].pseudo === psdu) {
                                return i;

                        return -1;

                    if (amisNotifies.length > 0) {
                        var index = getIndexOf(pseudo);
                        if (index > -1) {
                            // The item already exists, so remove it.
                            Array.prototype.splice.call(amisNotifies, index, 1);
                            $("#checkAmi" + id).addClass("fa-circle-o");
                            $("#checkAmi" + id).removeClass("fa-check-circle-o");
                        else {
                            // Item does not exist, add it.
                            $("#checkAmi" + id).removeClass("fa-circle-o");
                            $("#checkAmi" + id).addClass("fa-check-circle-o");

                    } else {
                        // The array is empty, so add the item.
                        $("#checkAmi" + id).removeClass("fa-circle-o");
                        $("#checkAmi" + id).addClass("fa-check-circle-o");

Even after attempting to reapply the classes upon reloading the data shown by the ng-repeat, the classes remain unchanged...

if (amisNotifies.length > 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < amisNotifies.length; i++) {
            $("#checkAmi" + amisNotifies[i].id).removeClass("fa-circle-o");
            $("#checkAmi" + amisNotifies[i].id).addClass("fa-check-circle-o");

Answer №1

Displaying HTML elements with dynamic ng-class stored in an array based on the index :

<div id="ami" class="list-group">
    <div href="#" class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="ami in listeAmis"> {{ami.pseudo}}
        <i id="checkAmi{{$index}}" ng-class="isChecked[{{$index}}]" ng-click="mapCtrl.checkAmi(ami.pseudo, $index);"></i>

Defining variables based on the number of elements in the ng-repeat:

if ($scope.listeAmis.length > 0) {
    for (var j = 0; j < $scope.listeAmis.length; j++) {
        $scope.isChecked[j] = "fa fa-circle-o pull-right";

Handling click events to toggle classes dynamically and updating the array accordingly:

mapCtrl.checkAmi = checkAmi;
function checkAmi(pseudo, id) {
    var info = ({
        pseudo: pseudo,
        id: id
    var getIndexOf = function (psdu) {
        for (var i = 0; i < amisNotifies.length; i++) {
            if (amisNotifies[i].pseudo === psdu) {
                return i;

        return -1;

    if (amisNotifies.length > 0) {
        var index = getIndexOf(pseudo);
        if (index > -1) {
            Array.prototype.splice.call(amisNotifies, index, 1);
            $scope.isChecked[id] = "fa fa-circle-o pull-right";
        } else {
            $scope.isChecked[id] = "fa fa-check-circle-o pull-right";

    } else {
        $scope.isChecked[id] = "fa fa-check-circle-o pull-right";

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