Update the text within a textarea by clicking with the power of jquery

Is there a way to clear the content of my textarea on click?

Below is the code snippet:


<textarea name="adventage" style="width:400px; border-radius: 3px; border-left: 4px solid #6C3" id="adventage" cols="45" rows="5">Share with everyone what are the advantages of this vehicle. </textarea>

The goal is to have the textarea cleared for entering new text when clicked.

Answer №1

To achieve that feature, utilize the placeholder attribute

<textarea placeholder='Describe the benefits of this car for everyone to see.'></textarea>

This is the standard and simplest method (no need for javascript, as seen in the search bar on top of this page!).

Keep in mind, it may not function properly on older browsers like IE9 or below. For compatibility with these browsers, refer to this resource

Answer №2

To give a specific textarea its own unique id, you can assign it a name like uniquetextarea:


Check out the live demo on jsFiddle.

Answer №3

$('SELECTELEMENT').on('mousedown', function(event) {

Answer №4



<input type="text" class="my_input" name="feature" id="feature" placeholder="Share your thoughts on this feature.">


$("#feature").click(function() {


#feature { width:350px; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 3px solid #4B8; }

Answer №5


It's guaranteed to function correctly!

Answer №6

Consider this approach.

If the placeholder is working for the initial input, but there is existing text within it (such as when editing), you may need to incorporate some scripting.



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