Update the menu-link class to active for a single-page website

Currently, I have a one-page website that serves as a portfolio. The website features a menu at the top with links that direct visitors to specific sections of the page using # as links.

I am looking to enhance the user experience by implementing a functionality where, if the visitor is at the top of the site (the home section), the "home" link will change its CSS class to a.menuActive, thereby changing the color of the menu button. This change should occur either when the link is clicked or simply when the user scrolls to that particular section. To achieve this, I believe I will need a script that can detect the user's position on the page. How can I go about implementing this feature?

Answer №1

If you want to track scrolling behavior on a webpage, using jQuery's .scroll() method is a great option.

$( window ).scroll(function() {
    // To determine the current vertical position of the scrollbar, use .scrollTop()
    if($(document).scrollTop() == 0){
        // Indicates that the user has scrolled to the top of the page and allows for CSS changes to the home link

To implement jQuery in your project, you need to include a script tag that links to the jQuery file before utilizing any jQuery functions in your JavaScript code. You can either use a CDN or download jQuery and add it to your project files.

If you wish to modify classes similar to the home link example provided, follow these steps:

// Remove the 'active' class from all elements with the class 'fake-link'

// Add the 'active' class to the element with the ID 'fake-link-home'

For adjusting links other than the home link based on scroll position, you can experiment with the following approach:

If($(document).scrollTop() > 50 && $(document).scrollTop() < 200){
    // Modify class of a specific link within this range
} else if ($(document).scrollTop() > 200 && $(document).scrollTop() < 400){
    // Change the class of another link when the scroll position falls within this range

I hope these suggestions prove helpful for your needs.

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