Update the CSS styling of a parent div based on the active state of specific child divs

I have a class with 4 distinct columns.

div class="mainContent">
        <div class="left-Col-1" *ngIf="data-1">
        <div class="left-Col-2" *ngIf="!data-1">
        <div class="right-Col-1" *ngIf="data-2">
        <div class="right-Col-2" *ngIf="!data-2">

Essentially, I have set up a flexbox to display two columns. If there is no data in the first column (data-1), the right-Col-2 div will be shown instead, and vice versa for the second column with data-2 triggering left-Col-2. When both columns contain data, left-Col-1 and right-Col-1 are displayed. My CSS structure is as follows:

.mainContent > *:nth-child(1){
 display: flex;
 flex-direction: column;
 flex-basis: 70%;
 padding: 0;
.mainContent > *:nth-child(2){
 display: flex;
 flex-direction: column;
 flex-basis: 30%;
 padding: 0;

The issue arises when I want to adjust flex-basis to 50% for both divs if no data is loaded (left-Col-2 and right-Col-2). Can this adjustment be achieved solely through CSS, or would I need to implement a TypeScript function?

Thank you for any assistance provided.

Answer №1

It seems like you may be complicating things with an odd/even selector that is causing confusion. Your selector divides your divs into odd and even children, with the only distinction being the flex-basis values of 70% for odd ones and 30% for even ones. Since you have 3 different values for 4 different classes, it might be best to avoid using the odd-even approach. Additionally, Angular will remove two divs based on data-1 content anyways.

Instead of relying on odd/even selectors, consider utilizing the four different classes you already have to specify the desired flex-basis for each div. Review the provided CSS code below to gain a better understanding:

    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    padding: 0;

.mainContent .left-Col-1{
    flex-basis: 70%;
.mainContent .right-Col-1{
    flex-basis: 30%;
.mainContent .left-Col-2, .mainContent .right-Col-2{
    flex-basis: 50%;

It's recommended to use more descriptive classes such as full/empty or primary/secondary to enhance code clarity and manageability in your project.

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