Update the content of an HTML element without having direct access to the HTML code

I am currently in the process of creating a website using a website builder, and I am interested in customizing the default message that is displayed when a required field in the website form is left empty. The form in question is an integral part of the website builder platform.

Is there a method to modify HTML text without direct access to it?

While I can add code to the <head>, I am unsure if it will impact existing code.

The specific paragraph I aim to alter is as follows:

<div data-v-3a756488=""><p data-v-3a756488="" class="input__error-message z-body-small"> Esse campo é obrigatório </p></div>

In exploring potential solutions, I have considered utilizing CSS to hide the default text within the HTML and supplementing it with alternative content using the content property, although I acknowledge this may not be the optimal approach.

Within the constraints of the platform, I have the ability to leverage CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, as these languages are supported within the <head> and embedded code elements on the site.

Answer №1

Start by attaching an eventListener to ensure that all DOM elements are loaded using

window.addEventListener('load', ...
. Then, select the specific element you wish to modify. In this example, I targeted a paragraph with a data-attribute, assuming it is a unique element with that attribute:
. Next, use textContent to replace the text within that element:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
  let ele = document.querySelector('p[data-v-3a756488=""]');
  let text = 'This is the new Text';
  ele.textContent = text;
<div data-v-3a756488=""><p data-v-3a756488="" class="input__error-message z-body-small"> This field is required </p></div>

If there are multiple elements that require their text replaced, you can create an array of objects utilizing the same approach. List the elements you want to target along with the corresponding replacement text in the array of objects. Utilize a for-loop to apply the changes specified in each object:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
  const replace = [
    { element: 'p[data-v-3a756488=""]',
      text: 'new text for first element'
    { element: 'p[data-v-3a756500=""]',
      text: 'new text for second element'
    { element: 'p[data-v-6a756488=""]',
      text: 'new text for third element'
  for (let i = 0; i < replace.length; i++) {
    let ele = document.querySelector(`${replace[i].element}`),
        text = replace[i].text;
    ele.textContent = text;
<div data-v-3a756488=""><p data-v-3a756488="" class="input__error-message z-body-small"> This is Element 1 </p></div>

<div data-v-3a756500=""><p data-v-3a756500="" class="input__error-message z-body-small"> This is Element 2 </p></div>

<div data-v-6a756488=""><p data-v-6a756488="" class="input__error-message z-body-small"> This is Element 3 </p></div>

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