Update the appearance of buttons using AngularJS

I am trying to change the style of 3 buttons when they are clicked. I am not sure if angular has built-in functions like ng-class or ng-click that can help me achieve this. I have tried implementing them but it doesn't seem to work.

<button class="btn1" ng-click="function1"></button>
<button class="btn2" ng-click="function2"></button>
<button class="btn3" ng-click="function3"></button>

Is it possible to call another css class from a JavaScript function? Thank you.

Answer №1

Give this a try to get started

    class="btn_custom btn2" 
    type="submit" ng-click="chooseOption()">Greetings</button>

Implement this in the controller

  $scope.chooseOption = function() {
    $scope.activator = !$scope.activator

Visit http://plnkr.co/edit/zKsYoD3coPlZRHQkRQO1?p=preview

Answer №2

One way to dynamically apply a class is by using ng-click in your AngularJS application.

<li ng-class="{'active':isActive}" ng-click="isActive = true"><a href="#products" >Products</a></li>

Answer №3

To enhance the functionality of your function, consider assigning a variable to the scope that can be utilized within an ng-class directive.

For instance

Within your controller:

$scope.updateStatus = function () {
  $scope.userClicked = true;

In your HTML file:

  ng-class="{'userClickedStyle': userClicked}" 
  ng-click="updateStatus()">User Button</button>

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