Unusual issue with horizontal menu display in Firefox on Mac

I recently completed a website project using Contao for a client (visit www.medivas.de). Everything is working perfectly except for one issue: the last menu item in the main navigation (located at the top, above the slideshow) is causing a line break. This problem only seems to occur with Firefox 3.6 on Mac, as it does not happen on my Linux development platform, Ubuntu versions 8 and 10, or Windows, and also works fine on other browsers like IE, Chrome, and Safari.

In an attempt to fix the issue, I tried adjusting the padding in the CSS definition of the #nav-slide-wrapper div from padding:0 5px 8px 0; to padding: 0;. This change was made because a similar line-break problem occurred with Chrome during the earlier phases of development. However, removing the padding did not resolve the issue, as confirmed by testing with Firefox on Mac by my partner and another colleague.

Since I do not have access to a Mac for testing purposes, I am seeking assistance from someone who uses a Mac, has the firebug extension installed, understands HTML/CSS, and could provide guidance on how to troubleshoot and solve this problem. At this point, I am running out of ideas despite the issue seeming to be specific to Firefox on Mac.

If additional information is required or if there are any details I may have overlooked, please feel free to inform me.

Any help or insights offered would be greatly valued!

Best regards, Andreas

Answer №1

On my Mac with Max OSX 10.6.6 and Firefox 4b13, I am not seeing any line breaks either.

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