Unusual Glitch in Bootstrap 3 Dropdown Menu

I am currently developing a website using Bootstrap 3. I am encountering an issue with the navbar dropdown. When I click on the link, it changes to show "expand child menu" and "collapse child menu".

To clarify, here is the image I am referring to:

Initial state:

Then, after clicking:

Finally back to:

Where did my gallery menu text disappear to? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you encounter this issue in a Wordpress site, the solution I found was to disable certain lines in my theme's functions.php file.

Locate the following line

wp_localize_script('themeName-script', 'screenReaderText', array('expand' => ..., 'collapse' => ...);

Comment out the 'expand' and 'collapse' elements within the array. Keep in mind that if you require screenReaderText for other parts of your application, this modification may have unintended effects elsewhere. Luckily, in my case, it resolved the problem without any issues.

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