Unique events catered to specific devices: mobile vs. desktop

When a user clicks on the login icon from a desktop, I want a modal dialog to appear. However, when using smaller devices like mobile or tablets, I prefer that a reactjs route is triggered to display in the main content area instead of using a modal dialog.

I am unsure of the best way to achieve this. Initially, I considered having two separate actions for touch and click events, but what if an iPad screen size falls somewhere in between and should show a dialog?

Another option I thought about was having two distinct icons and displaying the appropriate one based on media queries, although I am not fond of duplicating code.

Are there any other approaches I could take? I want to avoid introducing size logic into my JavaScript code since everything else currently relies on media queries.

Answer №1

Utilize a single icon to perform multiple functions.

To determine the browser viewport size, you can implement the matchMedia method in JavaScript, which acts as an equivalent to CSS @media queries. Based on the viewport size, you can dynamically add a specific class to the icon for further actions.

Upon clicking the icon:

  • If it has the .larger-viewport class, a modal dialog will be displayed.
  • If it has the .smaller-viewport class, the reactjs functionality will be triggered.

// Initialize Variables

var iconForModal;
var iconForReact;
var loginIcon = document.getElementsByClassName('login-icon')[0];

// Check and record viewport size

function checkViewportSize() {

    if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 800px)").matches) {

        loginIcon.className = 'login-icon larger-viewport';

    else {

        loginIcon.className = 'login-icon smaller-viewport';

window.addEventListener('resize', checkViewportSize, false);
window.addEventListener('load', checkViewportSize, false);

// Activate Login

function activateLogin() {

    if (loginIcon.classList.contains('larger-viewport')) {

        console.log('Login Modal Activated');


    if (loginIcon.classList.contains('smaller-viewport')) {

        console.log('Login React Activated')

loginIcon.addEventListener('click', activateLogin, false);
<button type="button" class="login-icon">Login</button>

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