Unexpected resizing of a div due to Vue animation

I'm currently working on a quiz and I'm trying to incorporate some animation effects when users navigate between questions. I've been experimenting with a fade in and out effect, but there seems to be a glitch. Whenever I click the button, there is a split-second delay where the div expands down before shrinking back up (see image). I'm not sure what's causing this issue. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

<transition-group tag="div" name="QBox" mode="out-in">
  <h3 class="Q-text" :key="questionID">{{questionText}}</h3>
  <div class="option" :class="{'selected':option.selected}" v-for ="option in options" @click="nextQ(option.association)" :key="option.text"> {{option.text}} </div>
  animation: slide-in 1s ease;
@keyframes slide-in {
  0% {opacity: 0;}
  100% {opacity: 1;}


Answer №1

  opacity: 1;
    -webkit-animation: slide-in 0.7s infinite;
    -moz-animation: slide-in 0.7s infinite;
    -o-animation: slide-in 0.7s infinite;
    animation: slide-in 0.7s infinite;
@keyframes slide-in {
    0% {opacity: 1;}
    50% {opacity: 0.5;}
    100% {opacity: 0;}

Initially, the duration of the animation was not defined

Additionally, the path of the movement in your frame is ambiguous

This results in a sudden transition

Consider implementing this modification

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