Unexpected background image slideshow appearance

I am encountering an issue with my slideshow where the last image briefly appears before the first image loads in a continuous loop. The offset of the initial image causes it to start at the middle of the window, and in Google Chrome and Safari, subsequent images load correctly after this brief display error.

I have experimented with various slideshows but have not been able to resolve this bug successfully. Is there anyone who can provide assistance?

    <script type="text/javascript">

    //Background Image Slideshow- (c) Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) 
    //For full source code, 100's more DHTML scripts, and TOS, 
    //visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com

    <style type="text/css">
    p {
font-family:Trajan Pro, serif;
    h1 {
font-family:Trajan Pro, serif;

    #bg {

    #bg IMG{
      opacity: -0.001;

    <div style="height: 395px !important; margin: 0; padding: 0;">
        <div id="bg">
            <img alt="" src="/images/image1.jpg" /> <img alt="" src="/images/image2.jpg" /> <a href="link.html"><img alt="" src="/images/image3.jpg" /></a><img alt="" src="/images/image4.jpg" /><img alt="" src="/images/image5.jpg" /></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // Animate (11-January-2010)
    // by Vic Phillips http://www.vicsjavascripts.org.uk

    // To progressively change the Left, Top, Width, Height or Opacity of an element over a specified period of time.
    // With the ability to scale the effect time on specified minimum/maximum values
    // and with three types of progression 'sin' and 'cos' and liner.

    // **** Application Notes

    // **** The HTML Code
    // when moving an element the inline or class rule style position of the element should be assigned as
    // 'position:relative;' or 'position:absolute;'
    // The element would normally be assigned a unique ID name.

    // **** Initialising the Script.
    // The script is initialised by assigning an instance of the script to a variable.
    // e.g A = new zxcAnimate('left','id1')
    // where:
    //  A = a global variable                                                               (variable)
    //  parameter 0 = the mode(see Note 1).                                                           (string)
    //  parameter 1 = the unique ID name or element object.                                           (string or element object)
    //  parameter 1 = the initial value.                                                              (digits, default = 0)

    // **** Executing the Effect
    // The effect is executed by an event call to function 'A.animate(10,800 ,5000,[10,800]);'
    // where:
    //  A           = the global referencing the script instance.                                 (variable)
    //  parameter 0 = the start value.                                                            (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100)
    //  parameter 1 = the finish value.                                                           (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100)
    //  parameter 2 =  period of time between the start and finish of the effect in milliseconds. (digits or defaults to previous or 0(on first call) milliSeconds)
    //  parameter 3 = (optional) to scale the effect time on a specified minimum/maximum.         (array, see Note 3)
    //                 field 0 the minimum value. (digits)
    //                 field 1 the maximum value. (digits)
    //  parameter 3 = (optional) the type of progression, 'sin', 'cos' or 'liner'.                (string, default = 'liner')
    //                 'sin' progression starts fast and ends slow.
    //                 'cos' progression starts slow and ends fast.
    //  Note 1:  Examples modes: 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height', 'opacity.
    //  Note 2:  The default units(excepting opacity) are 'px'.
    //           For hyphenated modes, the first character after the hyphen must be upper case, all others lower case.
    //  Note 3:  The scale is of particular use when re-calling the effect
    //           in mid progression to retain an constant rate of progression.
    //  Note 4:  The current effect value is recorded in A.data[0].
    //  Note 5:  A function may be called on completion of the effect by assigning the function
    //           to the animator intance property .Complete.
    //           e.g. [instance].Complete=function(){ alert(this.data[0]); };

    // **** Functional Code(1.58K) - NO NEED to Change

    function zxcAnimate(mde,obj,srt){
     return this;

     this.srttime=new Date().getTime();

     var oop=this,ms=new Date().getTime()-this.srttime;
     this.data[0]=(this.c=='s')?                (this.data[2]-this.data[1])*Math.sin(this.inc*ms)+this.data[1]:(this.c=='c')?this.data[2]-(this.data[2]-this.data[1])*Math.cos(this.inc*ms):(this.data[2]-this.data[1])/this.mS*ms+this.data[1];
     if (ms<this.mS) this.to=setTimeout(function(){oop.cng()},10);
     else {
      if (this.Complete) this.Complete(this);

     if (isFinite(this.data[0])){
      if (this.data[0]<0&&!this.neg) this.data[0]=0;
      if (this.mde!='opacity') this.obj.style[this.mde]=Math.floor(this.data[0])+'px';
      else zxcOpacity(this.obj,this.data[0]);

    function zxcOpacity(obj,opc){
     if (opc<0||opc>100) return;

    </script><script type="text/javascript">

    function BGFade(o){
     var p=document.getElementById(o.ID)
     if (p){
      var bgs=p.getElementsByTagName('IMG');
      for (var z0=0;z0<bgs.length;z0++){
       this.bgs[z0]=new zxcAnimate('opacity',bgs[z0]);

     this.bgs[this.nu].obj.style.left=-(this.bgs[this.nu].obj.width-zxcWWHS()[0])/2+'px';  // horizontal center
    // this.bgs[this.nu].obj.style.top=-(this.bgs[this.nu].obj.height-zxcWWHS()[1])/2+'px';  // vertical center
     var oop=this;
     this.to=setTimeout(function(){ oop.Rotate(); },this.hold);

    function zxcByClassName(nme,el,tag){
     if (typeof(el)=='string') el=document.getElementById(el);
     for (var tag=tag||'*',reg=new RegExp('\\b'+nme+'\\b'),els=el.getElementsByTagName(tag),ary=[],z0=0; z0<els.length;z0++){
      if(reg.test(els[z0].className)) ary.push(els[z0]);
     return ary;

    function zxcWWHS(){
     if (window.innerHeight) return [window.innerWidth-10,window.innerHeight-10,window.pageXOffset,window.pageYOffset];
     else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) return [document.documentElement.clientWidth-10,document.documentElement.clientHeight-10,document.documentElement.scrollLeft,document.documentElement.scrollTop];
     return [document.body.clientWidth,document.body.clientHeight,document.body.scrollLeft,document.body.scrollTop];

    new BGFade({
     ID:'bg',        // the unique id name of the container div.                    (string)
     Duration:3000,  // the duration of the fade effect in milli seconds.           (digits)
     Hold:5000       // the duration of the change between images in milli seconds. (digits)

Any suggestions or guidance on how to tackle this issue would be highly appreciated as I am currently unsure about the next steps.

Answer №1

Based on the feedback provided in JSFiddle1, it appears that everything is functioning correctly except for the initial display of the last image. While I cannot guarantee this as the definitive solution, I believe reducing the animation time to 1 may help resolve the issue.

this.bgs[this.nu].animate(1, 0, this.ms);

I have made the adjustment to reduce the animation time from 100 to 1.

You can view the updated version in JSFiddle2

Quick Solution: Instead of revising previous steps, consider adding an invisible image at the end as shown below:

<div id="bg">
    <a href=""><img alt="Pyramifern" src="http://www.maoptp.co.uk/pyramifern.jpg" /></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="Pyramifern at sunrise" src="http://www.maoptp.co.uk/pyramifern_at_sunrise.jpg" /></a> 
    <a href=""><img alt="Pyramifern at sunset" src="http://www.maoptp.co.uk/pyramifern_at_sunset.jpg" /></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="Pyramifern at night" src="http://www.maoptp.co.uk/pyramifern_at_night.jpg" /></a>
    <a href=""><img alt="Nocturnal flowers" src="http://www.maoptp.co.uk/nocturnal_flowers.jpg" /></a>
    <a href=""> <img alt="Nocturnal flowers" style="display: none;" src="http://www.maoptp.co.uk/nocturnal_flowers.jpg" /></a>

Refer to JSFiddle3 for more details

I hope this clarifies your query.

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