Understanding the positioning of HTML elements using CSS

If you have the HTML snippet below:

  <div>above or below</div>

Is there a way to use CSS to position the

<div>above or below</div>
above or below the <div>content</div> without adding extra markup and without disrupting the flow of the document?

I attempted using position: relative; on the fieldset and then position: absolute; on the field div, but this caused the element to overlap any elements beneath it.

Answer №1

To reverse the order of two elements visually, one option is to utilize display: flex and flex-direction:

fieldset {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

.below {
flex-direction: column-reverse;
  <div>above or below</div>

<fieldset class="below">
  <div>above or below</div>

If you need to include more elements in the fieldset, you can also use display: flex and order:

fieldset {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.first {
  order: 1;

div {
  order: 2;
  <div>above or below</div>
  <div>other stuff</div>
  <div>other stuff</div>

  <div>above or below</div>
  <div class="first">content</div>
  <div>other stuff</div>
  <div>other stuff</div>

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