Understanding the Flex Layout: Decoding the Meaning of "flex-basis: 1e-09px"

In my experience with Angular Flex Layout, I've come across a situation where it applied flex: 0 1 1e-09px to an element.

I'm curious about the significance of the 1e-09px value and whether it is a valid input for this property or if it was unintentional.

Answer №1

As per details on the Github page:

In the context of CSS, 1e-09px represents 0.000000001px and it is often used as a workaround for browser issues like IE:

For more information, refer to flex-layout/src/lib/flexbox/api/flex.spec.ts

The code snippet below shows an example usage:

let hasFlex = _.hasStyle(dom, 'flex', '1 1 1e-09px') ||         // IE

Answer №2

When we simply use fxFlex on a div, it can cause issues like this:

<div fxFlex fxLayout="row">

To resolve this, you can add a value to fxFlex like fxFlex="100%"

<div fxFlex="100%" fxLayout="row"> //<--- fxFlex set to 100%

I hope this solution is useful for someone.

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