Unable to utilize the rupee font within a select element on Chrome and IE8 browsers

Issues with displaying rupee font in select element on Chrome and IE8

I have implemented WebRupee for showing the Indian currency symbol. The font appears correctly when used within a <p> tag, but when placed inside a select option element, it only displays properly in Firefox and not in Chrome or IE8 (shows as 'R' only).

<select >
   <option style="font-family:WebRupee;">R</option>

For demonstration purposes, visit the following link: http://jsfiddle.net/WEJbc/3/

Answer №1

The symbol for the INDIAN RUPEE U+20B9 may not yet be widely available on the Internet as it was just recently added to Unicode version 6.0. It is expected to become more commonly used in various fonts over the next decade. In the meantime, currency names, abbreviations, codes, or existing special symbols like the RUPEE SIGN U+20A8 (₨) can be utilized. When creating dropdown menus for currencies, using localized names is recommended.

Attempting to manipulate characters using trick fonts, such as changing the appearance of the letter 'R', is not a proper solution. Browsers may prevent font changes within certain elements, like option, even if it appears to work under specific circumstances.

Some browsers allow for changing the entire select menu's font through

select { font-family: WebRupee; }
, but this method presents challenges as well. The WebRupee font does not include the dollar sign ($), resulting in an empty display for options styled with it.

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