Unable to trigger .click event in Jquery after modifying CSS attributes

Looking for a solution with my HTML code snippet:

<h2 class="more-button">Read More</h2>

I want to change the position of another div when this button is clicked. I am trying to achieve this using:

    $(".hidden-block").css("right", "110%");

FIDDLE : https://jsfiddle.net/wfxxkk3x/

Unfortunately, the code has no effect at all. I have attempted various solutions without success. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Everything looks good in your code. I noticed in your js fiddle here that you are using "hidden-block" as an ID instead of a Class.

Just update your jquery selector to use "#" for IDs.

For example:


    // hidden-block is an id
    $("#hidden-block").css("right", "110%");


I hope this information helps!

Answer №3

Have you applied any CSS to your

<div class="hidden-block"></div>
? If not, the values "right", "110%" will have no effect.

Try adding either position: absolute; or position: relative; to your .hidden-block which should allow you to make adjustments to its placement.

If using jQuery without a stylesheet, you can achieve similar results like this:

  $(".hidden-block").css({"position":"relative", "right":"110%"});

Answer №4

It is essential to specify the position of the div for it to respond to the right property.

position: relative;


position: absolute;

Answer №5

I observed in your code snippet that "hidden-block" is being referenced as an ID rather than a CSS class. Therefore, your JavaScript should be:

$("#hidden-block").css("right", "110%");

Have you imported the jQuery library? I couldn't locate it in the External Resources of your fiddle.

Once you modify the selector from . to # and include the jQuery library, your code will function correctly. Experiment with changing the value from 110% to another one to see the outcome.

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