unable to retrieve the width of the HTML element

When using JavaScript to create an element and importing the related CSS, I encountered an issue where I couldn't retrieve the width of the element. Here is a snippet of my code:




var mainDiv=document.createElement("div");

// Now I want to get the width of the 'mainDiv'

var wd=mainDiv.style.width;

Despite setting the width in the CSS to 500px, the value of 'wd' always returns as an empty string.

This led me to wonder why this was happening.

After inspecting the element using Firebug, I confirmed that the width of 'mainDiv' is indeed set to 500px.

However, I am still unable to retrieve this value in my JavaScript code.

I do not wish to manually set the width and height of 'mainDiv' within the JavaScript like this:


My intention is to define the size properties within the CSS file.

Any thoughts on how to tackle this issue?

Answer №1


let width=mainDiv.clientWidth;

Answer №2

Try using mainDiv.offsetWidth for a more accurate measurement.

I trust this information will aid you in your task.

Answer №3

Take note, although not the best solution, utilizing jQuery would be quick and effective.

Implementing this can be as straightforward as:

var height = $('#contentDiv').height(); // the variable height now stores the value 800

Reference: http://api.jquery.com/height/

Answer №4

If you want to accurately determine the width of a DOM element, you should use offsetWidth.

According to W3Schools:

offsetWidth: This property retrieves the overall width of an element, including any borders and padding, but not margins

Here is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to achieve this:

var newElement = document.createElement("div");

var elementWidth = newElement.offsetWidth;

Answer №5

The reason for this issue is that the element has not finished rendering. To mitigate this, you can wait a moment before trying to determine its width:

var container = document.createElement("div");
container.setAttribute("id", "mainDiv");
setTimeout(100, function() {

Answer №6

Attempting to retrieve the width from the style element will not work in this case. This is due to defining a class and not setting the style directly, which JavaScript cannot read the value from.

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