Unable to retrieve the DOM element using jQuery

I'm currently facing an issue with fetching a DOM element from a jQuery selector array.

var index = $(this).index();
$titleElement = $(".title:not(.small)")[index];

Unfortunately, the code above only gives me the text and not the actual DOM element that I need. My goal is to retrieve the DOM element so I can determine its position on the page and scroll to it.

In this case, $(this) refers to the list element, while .title represents multiple elements on the page with the class "title" and "title small".

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

PS: I have not been able to find a solution on StackOverflow or through a Google search. It's possible that I am not using the correct terminology when searching for a solution to this issue.

Answer №1

When you use the [n] notation, you are essentially utilizing the .get() method, which retrieves the actual DOM element.

If you want to obtain a jQuery selection, you should employ eq():

$title = $(".title:not(.small)").eq(n);

Answer №2

$(".title:not(.small)")[n] will give you a DOM element, not a jQuery object. To get a jQuery object, you can use the eq() method like this:

var n = $(this).index(),
    $title = $(".title:not(.small)").eq(n);

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