Unable to reach the margin-left properties of the elements

I am facing an issue in accessing the current margin-left CSS property of the class .circle in the code snippet below. A demonstration of this problem can be found on a website called PLUNKr.

The reason I need to access this property is because I have to make adjustments to a property binding calculation on mobile, which relies on the left-margin.

Below is a breakdown of what I have implemented:

<div class="circle"  [ngStyle]="{'width': calcCircleWidth()}"></div>

.circle {
    margin: 40px 20px;

private calcCircleWidth(): string {
    var html: HTMLElement = (<HTMLElement>document.querySelector('.circle:first-child'))

This is what I find when I track the properties of var html: HTMLElement:

html \\ <div class="circle" _ngcontent-iai-1="" style="width: 50%;">
html.style \\ CSS2Properties { width: "50%" } 
html.style.marginLeft \\ (nothing)

Answer №1

After looking at your code snippet

<div class="circle"  [ngStyle]="{'width': calcCircleWidth()}"></div>

.circle {
    margin: 40px 20px;

Since the margin property is not a style attribute of the element, it cannot be accessed through the style property of the DOM element.

Furthermore Information

To retrieve the computed style that considers both the style attribute and CSS rules, you should utilize the function getComputedStyle. For detailed information, refer to the documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/Window/getComputedStyle 🌹

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