Unable to manipulate JQuery lightSlider slides using element index

I've been working on a new page design at this link:

The code is still a work in progress, so bear with me as I test out some functions and scripts.

At the end of the first section, there are 4 logos that, when clicked, will trigger a modal to pop up with a slider (using JQuery lightSlider).

I'm encountering console errors when trying to make the slider display the correct slide number corresponding to the logo clicked. The function to get the child number is working fine using .index(this) + 1);, but displaying "index+1 slide" only works once before throwing an error saying 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'goToSlide' of undefined.'

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? I have considered resetting the slider.goToSlide(slide_n); function, but I'm unsure how to do that.

Thank you in advance for any insights!

$(".design-logos").click(function() {

        var slide_n = ($('.design-logos').index(this) + 1);

        if ($("#light-slider").hasClass("lightSlider")) {
        } else {
            var slider = $("#light-slider").lightSlider({
                item: 1,
                loop: true,
                speed: 1,
                enableDrag: false,


Answer №1

Your code appears to be quite messy. I have made several changes in hopes that it will function properly when you replace your existing code in the fourth <script></script> tag on your page with the following code:

var slider;
            $(document).ready(function() {

            // modal in // 

            function modalIn() {


                setTimeout(function() {



                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 350);

                    $('.carousel-item.active img').lazy({
                        effect: "fadeIn",
                        effectTime: 1000,
                        threshold: 0

                }, 10);


            // modal off //

            function modalOff() {


                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 500);

                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 1000);


            $(".blackdrop").click(function() {

            $('body').keydown(function(e) {
                if (e.keyCode == 27) {

            // modal off //

            $(".design-logos").click(function() {

                var slide_n = ($('.design-logos').index(this) + 1);                

                // modal in //                     

                setTimeout(function() {

                    if ($("#light-slider").hasClass("lightSlider")) {
                    } else {
                        slider = $("#light-slider").lightSlider({
                            item: 1,
                            loop: true,
                            speed: 1,
                            enableDrag: false,

                    setTimeout(function() {     

                }, 301);


            }, 5);

            function fadeSlideIn() {

                function fadeSlideOut() {

                $(".gotoslide").click(function () {


            $(".next").click(function () {
                    const curSliderInd = slider.getCurrentSlideCount();
                    const nextSlide = curSliderInd == 4 ? 1 : curSliderInd + 1;
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        let curSliderInd = slider.getCurrentSlideCount();
                    }, 301);
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 302);

            $(".prev").click(function () {
                    const curSliderInd = slider.getCurrentSlideCount();
                    const nextSlide = curSliderInd == 1 ? 4 : curSliderInd - 1;
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 301);
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 302);


Feedback on your code:

Firstly, the reason your code was not working is because the else block condition:

if ($("#light-slider").hasClass("lightSlider")) {
        } else {
            var slider = $("#light-slider").lightSlider({
                item: 1,
                loop: true,
                speed: 1,
                enableDrag: false,

is only executed if the element light-slider does not already have the class lightSlider, which happens when one of the logos is clicked for the first time. However, declaring slider within this block causes it to become undefined if the else block is not initially executed. Providing slider with a global reference resolves this issue. Although this solution is not ideal, it was implemented due to time constraints.

Secondly, I noticed unexpected behavior with the goToPrevSlide() and goToNextSlide() methods after testing your page extensively. Therefore, I modified the calls to these methods within the callbacks of the next and prev buttons.

Lastly, some of your callback function definitions were placed inside a setTimeout unnecessarily! This may have been done inadvertently, but I have removed them regardless. There are other formatting issues present that I did not address, so you may want to correct those as well to prevent any future complications.

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