Unable to hide table borders in ipython notebook in the usual manner

In the IPython notebook cell below, you will see a table with a gray background and borders:

from IPython.display import HTML
<style type="text/css">
  table, td { 
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-style: hidden;
    background-color: rgb(240,240,240);
h = HTML(s); h

However, interestingly, when the same html content (with the content of string s) is placed in a plain HTML file's body, the table appears with a gray background and without any border, which is actually the desired effect. It seems like the border properties do not function correctly in the IPython notebook environment. Do you have any thoughts on why this might be happening?

Another intriguing discovery: if a colgroup is added to the table along with a col to the css selector, all elements except for the horizontal rule between rows vanish in the IPython notebook setting.

Answer №1

To eliminate the border from the entire table, follow these steps:
start by generating and executing a code cell above the markdown cell containing the table. insert the code snippet below:

table, td, tr, th {border: none !important}

Answer №2

When a <style> tag is used in the <body> section of an HTML document without the scoped attribute (as per HTML5 standards), the behavior of the browser is not clearly defined.

Browsers like Firefox and Opera may attempt to interpret it, but the handling of inheritance, cascading, and specificity in such cases can be uncertain.

There are two straightforward solutions:

  • Add the scoped attribute (works better in Firefox compared to Opera, unsure about IE)

    <style type="text/css"> -->

    <style type="text/css" scoped>

    The usage of the scoped attribute is a topic of debate, examples can be found here: On the abominable proposed html5 scoped attribute and Saving the day with scoped CSS.

  • Alternatively, you can employ inline styles in your <table> element

There are other more general solutions available, but their effectiveness may vary based on the desired outcome.

Answer №3

you also have the option of utilizing inline css

<table style="border-style:hidden;border-collapse:collapse;">

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