Unable to get the Gtranslate function to function properly within the drop-down menu

Currently, I am using Gtranslate.io languages on my website with flags displayed without a drop-down menu. Everything is running smoothly but now I am looking to enhance the user experience by placing the flags inside a drop-down list. I want English to be the default language when visitors first enter my site, but they should have the option to choose a different language from the list. To see examples of the code in action, please check out these two code pens:

<div class="languages">
    <a href="#" onclick="doGTranslate('en|en');return false;" title="English" class="gflag nturl" style="background-position:-0px -0px;"><img src="images/english.png" height="16" width="16" alt="English" /></a>
    <a href="#" onclick="doGTranslate('en|fr');return false;" title="French" class="gflag nturl" style="background-position:-200px -100px;"><img src="images/france.png" height="16" width="16" alt="French" /></a>
    <a href="#" onclick="doGTranslate('en|de');return false;" title="German" class="gflag nturl" style="background-position:-300px -100px;"><img src="images/germany.png" height="16" width="16" alt="German" /></a>
    <a href="#" onclick="doGTranslate('en|it');return false;" title="Italian" class="gflag nturl" style="background-position:-600px -100px;"><img src="images/italy.png" height="16" width="16" alt="Italian" /></a>
    <div id="google_translate_element2"></div>

Answer №1

The issue with the second codepen arises from the fact that

is not currently included in the document.

To resolve this issue, simply add it to the page and adjust the select value. I suggest removing the <a> nodes within the options and utilizing the onchange attribute on the <select>

It is important to exercise caution as modifications to Google's logo and branding may result in a violation of their Attribution Requirements

Feel free to check out my version of your code for reference

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