Unable to create a universal <header> and <footer> to be displayed across all pages

After trying to separate the <header> and <footer> into external files, everything seemed to work fine in the console. However, when running the code, it ended up returning undefined.

This is the HTML for the Footer:

<footer id="footer" class="footer mt-auto py-3 bg-light">
<div class="container">
    <div class="col-12 text-center">
        <a style="text-anchor: middle">© 2021 AlexInCube</a>

Here's a snippet from main.html:


The scripts.js file contains this function:

function importHTMLdata(path){
    $.get(path, function(html_string)
        return html_string;

Answer №1

Avoid using document.write as it can cause the page to be wiped if executed after the page has loaded.

Instead, include this in your JavaScript file:

$(function() { // runs on page load
  const importHTMLdata = path => { // create a function that takes a path
    $.get(path, function(html_string) { // get the content from the specified path
      $("body")[path.indexOf("footer") != -1 ? "append" : "prepend"](html_string); // append to body if footer, prepend if not footer
  importHTMLdata("content/header.html"); // load header
  importHTMLdata("content/footer.html");  // load footer
<script src="scripts.js"></script>

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