Unable to create a responsive layout because of the use of inline CSS with "margin"

Currently, I am working on a design for a webpage that must be responsive to large, medium, and small screens. To achieve this responsiveness, I am using Material UI Grid container and placing Chips inside it with the style={{ marginLeft: 60 }} from the second chip onward. However, when the screen size changes, these chips overlap each other without any responsive behavior. Below is the snippet of my code:

 <Grid container item xs={12}>
            <Grid container item xs={11}>
                <Grid item xs={2}>

                <Grid item xs={2} style={{ marginLeft: 60 }}>

                <Grid item xs={2} style={{ marginLeft: 60 }}>

                <Grid item xs={2} style={{ marginLeft: 60 }}>

                <Grid item xs={2} style={{ marginLeft: 57 }}>


I am seeking advice on how to correct this design issue. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

If you're looking to make your margin sizes flexible and responsive to different screen sizes, consider using relative values instead of static pixels. You can achieve this by adjusting the styling to something like style={{ marginLeft: '5%' }}, or by applying a className and implementing media queries in your CSS file to define breakpoints for specific screen sizes.

Opting for the latter approach will give you more control over the responsiveness of your design, which is particularly useful if adaptability across various devices is important.

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