Unable to capture the text within the span element. Attempting to retrieve a response from a previously run javascript function

Currently, I am facing a challenging task in FileMaker using Webdirect. I have implemented a QR code generator and reader, and while I can successfully read the code, I am struggling to capture the result of the scan. The scanned data is displayed in a hidden div on my webpage within a span with the id "outputData." Despite this constant being present prior to running the page, it seems to disappear when viewing the source code. However, the text is visible on the webpage itself.

<div id="qr-result" hidden="">
    <b>Data:</b> <span id="outputData"></span>

Although I can see the value with my own eyes on the webpage, I have been unsuccessful in capturing it through various JavaScript functions. Despite spending days and numerous attempts, I cannot understand why the span text is not accessible in the source code view.

I have tried multiple approaches to retrieve the inner text of the span element, but none seem to work. Any assistance in devising a function that can extract the missing text would be greatly appreciated!

Your help is much appreciated.

Answer №1

One potential solution is to utilize the span element's innerText property. To ensure that the value is correct, consider logging it to the console in your browser's developer tools.

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