Unable to adjust the padding of the material UI Select component

I'm having trouble adjusting the padding of the Select component in order to align it with the size of my other text fields. Despite knowing that I need to make changes to nested components, I have yet to discover a viable solution.

<div className='wifi-chooser-column'>
    style={{margin: '6px'}} 
    style={{margin: '6px', padding: '0px'}}
    onChange={(event) => this.setState({security: event.target.value})}
        select: {
            padding: '10.5px 14px'
    <MenuItem label='security' value='Unsecured'>Unsecured</MenuItem>
    <MenuItem value='WEP'>WEP</MenuItem>
    <MenuItem value='WPA2'>WPA2</MenuItem>
    style={{margin: '6px'}} 
    style={{margin: '6px'}} 

Layout issue

Answer №1

As stated in the documentation, there are multiple ways to customize material UI component styles.

If we only need to occasionally override the padding of the Select components, or if this customization is not needed throughout the entire project, we can utilize the Overriding styles with classes method. We first define our desired padding for the Select component using makeStyles like so:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  rootFirstSelect: {
    padding: "4px 0px"
  rootSecondSelect: {
    padding: "10px 80px"

We then apply this style by assigning it to the classes prop of the component and modifying the root element:

    const classes = useStyles();
    //Other parts of the code
    return (
    //Other parts of the code

      classes={{ root: classes.rootFirstSelect }}
    //other props

    //Other parts of the code


Here's a practical example in a sandbox.

If we need to globally override the padding of the Select component across the entire project, utilizing Global theme variation can prevent redundant coding. In this approach, we create a theme using createMuiTheme and make our desired changes there:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiSelect: {
      select: {
        padding: "4px 0px 10px 130px !important"

We then pass this theme as a prop to the ThemeProvider component which encompasses the entire project:

  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    <Demo />

You can check out a live demonstration in a sandbox environment here.

Answer №2

After exploring the documentation, I discovered a more convenient approach for me: instead of using the Select component, I opted to utilize the TextField with the "select" props

Reference: https://material-ui.com/components/text-fields/#select

  helperText="Please select your currency"
  {currencies.map((option) => (
    <MenuItem key={option.value} value={option.value}>

This method allows access to TextField props such as margin="none", margin="dense"

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