Two liquid level divs within a container with a set height

I hesitated to ask this question at first because it seemed trivial, but after spending over 3 hours searching on stackoverflow and Google, I decided to give it a shot.

The issue I'm facing can be found here:

In the initial state, the div#container will contain div#list-dynamic-2, which I want to take up the full height of div#container. The dynamically inserted div#list-dynamic-1 should be able to expand up to 150px. Once the height of div#list-dynamic-1 reaches 150px, I would like div#list-dynamic-2 to utilize the remaining space within that 150px. I would appreciate any advice on whether achieving this with CSS alone is feasible or if JavaScript should be used instead.

(By the way, this is just a simple example to illustrate the dilemma; in practice, the goal would be to move selected users into the upper div and allow it to occupy half of div#container. Picture the upper div as a kind of shopping cart for users.)

Answer №1

If you're looking for a solution using JavaScript, you can try the following code:

var heightDifference = 300 - document.getElementById('list-dynamic-1').offsetHeight;
document.getElementById('list-dynamic-2').style.height = heightDifference + 'px';

Once you've implemented this code, you can go ahead and remove the max-height and height properties from the CSS definition for #list-dynamic-2.

Check out an updated example of your code here.

As for the CSS aspect, you may need to use the calc function, but keep in mind that not all browsers support it yet.

Answer №2

It's interesting how this situation brings to mind the jQuery UI Layout Plug-in. Check out the demo here:

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