Two divs positioned to the right on top of each other

I want to align two divs on the right side of their parent div, one above the other. Here's a visual representation:

|div#parent                           ||div#menu    |
|                          |---------|||float:right |
|                          |div#up   |||            |
|                          |         |||            |
|                          |---------|||------------|
|                                     |
|                          |---------||
|                          |div#down ||
|                          |         ||
|                          |---------||

Does anyone have any suggestions for achieving this layout using CSS? I can't use tables in this scenario as div#up is included in a Master page (ASP.NET) and div#down is added in the content section. Div#parent is flexible in width with a minimum width constraint and contains content that should not overlap with these divs, ruling out the use of position:absolute.

Another consideration: there are divs floated left and right containing menus on either side of div#parent. Adding clear:left/right to div#down when it's floated right causes it to be positioned below one of these menu divs...

Answer №1

To ensure that the parent block (#parent in this case) becomes the block formatting context for the divs #up and #down, which will contain any clearing within that block and ignore floats outside of it, you can either make #parent float as well or give it an overflow property other than visible.

For more information on block formatting contexts, visit

You can see a working example of this solution here:

I apologize for any confusion previously caused.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired layout, it is important to apply both float:right and clear:right. This will ensure that the element's right-hand side remains unobstructed up to the edge of its containing element.

<div id="container" style="width: 80%">

    <div id="top"   style="float: right; clear: both;">content inside 'top' div</div>
    <div id="bottom" style="float: right; clear: both;">content inside 'bottom' div</div>
    content within 'parent' div


Answer №3

In my opinion, it would be best to enclose them within a container div, setting a specific width and floating it to the right.

  width: 250px;
  float: right;

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