Two background videos exhibit distinct behaviors when placed within the identical <video> tag

I have noticed a strange behavior with two videos I uploaded online. One, called "Bunny video," appears on top of the navigation bar while the other, named "Space video," is positioned below with an unknown black background (that I did not intentionally set).

What could be causing this issue? I attempted to resolve it locally by changing the format to webm, but unfortunately without success.

<video id="background-video" loop autoplay muted>
    // "bunny video"
    // "space video"

    // I have swapped the links for the videos here:
    <source src="" type="video/mp4" />


Check out the demo on codepen:

Answer №1

After reviewing both videos, I have observed that they appear identical to me. However, there is a distinct difference in the aspect ratios of "Big Buck Bunny" and the space clip. The former is displayed in a 16:9 ratio, occupying the entire video frame, while the latter is letterboxed to fit the same ratio, resulting in black bars on the top and bottom.

It seems like the navigation interface integrates seamlessly with the video rather than having a separate black background. Are you able to notice this subtle design detail?

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