Turning HTML into PDF using CDN libraries and external stylesheets

https://i.sstatic.net/TKmYV.pngAfter creating my resume using Bootstrap and Material Design Lite, I am now looking for a way to convert the HTML page into a PDF file. Despite trying various libraries like jsPDF and tools such as html2pdf and PrinceXML, the resulting PDF does not match the appearance of the original HTML page.

The issue lies in the fact that the styles are missing from the PDF output, making it resemble a simple browser print preview (Ctrl+P). Therefore, I am seeking advice on whether there are any other tools or libraries available to address this problem, or if there are specific options within the aforementioned tools that I should be utilizing.

You can view examples of the PDF outputs here: https://i.sstatic.net/taGHs.png

Answer №1

If you're looking for a reliable converter, consider giving WKHTMLTOPDF a try on your backend system. It captures exactly what is displayed in your browser and supports HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript as well. WKHTMLTOPDF is built based on WebKit which makes it a powerful tool for converting web content into PDF files.

To use it during runtime, simply run the command:

wkhtmltopdf http://YourWebsiteURL.com OutputFileName.pdf

If you encounter issues where the CSS styles are not being applied, double-check the path of how the CSS files are included. Make sure to use absolute paths rather than relative paths for better compatibility.

Answer №2

The issue lies within the Bootstrap library itself, rather than being related to any plugins or PDF tools being utilized. When "printing" a web page, including print to PDF, Bootstrap tends to remove most styles. At my company, we offer the DocRaptor HTML to PDF service which has a helpful blog post outlining suggested solutions for ensuring Bootstrap styles are maintained when printing. These solutions can be summarized as follows:

  • Utilize screen CSS mode/rules for printing instead of print mode. This will save you from having to make numerous overrides in order to get Bootstrap to display correctly. Opting for screen mode is a more straightforward approach.
  • Bootstrap often perceives PDFs as being displayed on an extra small device such as a cell phone, thus requiring adjustments to breakpoints or column definitions in your code.
  • In cases where the last column shifts to a new row, it may be due to Bootstrap setting column widths to XX.66666667%. When these percentages are added up by the PDF engine, they exceed 100%, causing the final column to wrap to a new line. To address this, overriding Bootstrap's column widths is necessary (handy Gist file available here).

Answer №3

Plugins can be used with jsPDF. To enable the printing of HTML, certain plugins must be included by following these steps:

  1. Visit https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF and download the latest version.
  2. Add the following scripts to your project:
    • jspdf.js
    • jspdf.plugin.from_html.js
    • jspdf.plugin.split_text_to_size.js
    • jspdf.plugin.standard_fonts_metrics.js

If you wish to exclude specific elements, they must be given an ID to be ignored through a special element handler in jsPDF. Your HTML should then resemble this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p id="ignorePDF">don't print this to pdf</p>
      <p><font size="3" color="red">print this to pdf</font></p>

Use the following JavaScript code to open the generated PDF in a new window:

var doc = new jsPDF();          
var elementHandler = {
  '#ignorePDF': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;
var source = window.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
      'width': 180,'elementHandlers': elementHandler


This resulted in a clean PDF that only contained the text 'print this to pdf' for me.

It's important to note that in the current version, the special element handlers only recognize IDs, as mentioned in a GitHub Issue. It states:

Matching is done against every element in the node tree, focusing on speed. Only element IDs are matched in jQuery style "#id", not all jQuery selectors.

Using class selectors like '.ignorePDF' did not work for me, so individual handlers had to be added for each ignored element:

var elementHandler = {
  '#ignoreElement': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;
  '#anotherIdToBeIgnored': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;

From the examples, it's noted that selecting tags like 'a' or 'li' is possible but may be too broad for some cases:

Special element handlers can be registered using jQuery-style ID selector for either ID or node name. No support for other selectors like class or compound at present.

An important point to mention is that CSS styling is lost when converting to PDF. However, jsPDF can format headings (h1, h2, h3, etc.) and only prints text nodes, omitting textarea values. For example:

    <!-- This is printed as it contains a textnode -->        
    <li>Print me!</li>
    <!-- Not printed because jsPDF doesn't handle value attribute -->
    <input type="textarea" value="Please print me, too!">

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