Turn off autocomplete feature for forms using React and Material UI

I've been diving into React and Material UI to enhance my web development skills.

While working on a web form, I encountered an issue where Chrome autofills the text fields with previous data and changes the background color to yellow upon page load. How can I prevent this and keep it white?

In traditional CSS, I would typically include the following code:

input:-webkit-autofill {
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1000px white inset;

However, without a dedicated style sheet, incorporating this is proving challenging.

Here's what I have tried so far:

const MyAwesomeReactComponent = React.createClass({
const containerStyle = 
      /* input:-webkit-autofill {
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1000px white inset;
          } */
 return (
      <div style={containerStyle}>
           <form action="/login" method="post" autocomplete ="off">
                  <TextField hintText="Email Field" floatingLabelText="Email"  underlineFocusStyle={{borderColor: Colors.amber900}} />
                  <TextField hintText="Password Field" floatingLabelText="Password" type="password" />
                  <RaisedButton label="Submit" primary={true}/>
module.exports = MyAwesomeReactComponent;

I'm encountering a Syntax error while handling the input-webkit-autofill code during parsing.

Answer №1

If you'd like to incorporate CSS within your JavaScript code, remember to convert dashed key words into camelCaseKeys

For instance:

  • background-color => backgroundColor
  • border-radius => borderRadius

However, vendor prefixes should start with a capital letter (except for ms)

  • -webkit-box-shadow => WebkitBoxShadow (with a capital W)
  • -ms-transition => msTransition ('ms' is the only lowercase vendor prefix)

Refer to the react doc #inline-styles section for more in-depth information

In your specific example:

const containerStyle = {
  WebkitBoxShadow: '0 0 0 1000px white inset'

Since inline styles are directly attached to tags instead of using selectors, this style needs to be applied to the <input> tag itself, not the container.

To customize the style of <input> within <TextField>, utilize the inputStyle prop as stated here

EDIT: Keep in mind that by doing this, the hint text may get obscured by the box-shadow. Adding a z-index to the hint text can resolve this issue!

Therefore, your final example would look something like this:

const hideAutoFillColorStyle = {
  WebkitBoxShadow: '0 0 0 1000px white inset'
const hintStyle = { zIndex: '1' };

    hintText="Email Field"
    underlineFocusStyle={{borderColor: Colors.amber900}}
    hintStyle={hintStyle} />
    hintText="Password Field"
    hintStyle={hintStyle} />

Please note: react inline styles come with certain limitations, such as @media queries. One workaround is to use <style> tags: Check out this article for additional examples!

Additionally, consider utilizing tools like autoprefixer (e.g., post-css) to streamline the prefixing process.

Answer №2

To implement custom input styles, you can create a CSS file containing the necessary pseudo styles for your form inputs and apply it to a container div element with a specified className in your single-page application (SPA) HTML.

For example, within the CSS file...

.formcontainer input:-webkit-autofill { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1000px white inset; }

In your rendering code, make sure to include the container div with the designated className:

<div className="formcontainer"><form ...>

Remember to link the CSS file in your HTML page as well!

Please excuse any formatting issues as I am currently using the SO app.

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