`Turn nested JSON into a formatted list using jquery`

I am currently facing two challenges:

  1. I am having trouble with the HTML structure, as shown in the image below

Current HTML structure: https://i.stack.imgur.com/GH46J.png

Desired HTML structure:


  1. How can I create dynamic JSON code that supports multiple levels of sub-menus without writing excessive loops and conditions?

Here is a snippet of the code I have been working on:


 var treeJson = {"values":[
        // JSON data here...
var treeParentArr = treeJson.values;
    var $ulLevel1 = $("<ul />").appendTo($("#tree"));
    // code logic for rendering dynamic JSON goes here...

JSFiddle link:

Click here to view JSFiddle

Answer №1

Are you seeking this information?

$(document).ready(function() {

    var treeJson = {
        "values": [{
                "tree_title": "FashionWorld1",
                "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                "tree_image_position": "1",
                "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                "isopen": "0",
                "child": [{
                    "values": [{
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel11",
                            "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                            "tree_image_position": "1",
                            "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                            "isopen": "0",
                            "child": [{
                                "values": [{
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel21"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel22"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel23"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel12"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel13"
                "tree_title": "FashionWorld2",
                "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                "tree_image_position": "1",
                "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                "isopen": "0",
                "child": [{
                    "values": [{
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel11",
                            "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                            "tree_image_position": "1",
                            "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                            "isopen": "0",
                            "child": [{
                                "values": [{
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel21"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel22"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel23"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel12"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel13"
                "tree_title": "FashionWorld3",
                "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                "tree_image_position": "1",
                "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                "isopen": "0",
                "child": [{
                    "values": [{
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel11",
                            "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                            "tree_image_position": "1",
                            "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                            "isopen": "0",
                            "child": [{
                                "values": [{
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel21"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel22"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel23"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel12"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel13"
                "tree_title": "FashionWorld4",
                "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                "tree_image_position": "1",
                "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                "isopen": "0",
                "child": [{
                    "values": [{
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel11",
                            "tree_image": "img_arrow",
                            "tree_image_position": "1",
                            "tree_image": "FashionWorld",
                            "isopen": "0",
                            "child": [{
                                "values": [{
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel21"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel22"
                                        "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel23"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel12"
                            "tree_title": "SubmenuLevel13"
    var treeParentArr = treeJson.values;
    var tree = buildNodes(treeJson, $("#tree"));

function buildNodes(node, parent) {
    $(node.values).each(function() {
        var element = this;
        var listItem = $("<li />", {
            text: this.tree_title
        if (this.hasOwnProperty("child")) {
            var tree = $("<ul />");
            buildNodes(this.child[0], tree);


Just wondering, why have the nested values inside child when it's an Array and could be named something like childs for the values objects?

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