Troubleshooting the problem of keyframes chaining animation in React animations

Hey there! I am new to CSS animation and currently working on a project where I need to slide in a div element and then slide it out of the screen using keyframes in Next.js. The sliding in part is working perfectly fine, but I'm facing some issues with the sliding out animation. Upon inspecting the element, I noticed that the keyframes are only taking into account the initial position and not the final value. Can anyone help me fix this? Any suggestions or guidance would be highly appreciated. I have also attached images of the inspect view and code view below for reference.

I'm at a loss as to what might be causing the issue in my code. Any insights would be greatly helpful.

Answer №1

To ensure the animation maintains the end state, simply include animation-fill-mode: forwards.

Learn more: The animation-fill-mode CSS property determines how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after it runs.

.splashView {
  animation: slideIn 1s 2s ease-in forwards, slideOut 1s 5s ease-out forwards;

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