Troubleshooting the issue of JavaScript not executing on elements with a specific CSS class

I am attempting to execute a JavaScript function on each element of an ASP.NET page that is assigned a specific CSS Class. Despite my limited knowledge of JavaScript, I am unable to determine why the code is not functioning properly. The CSS Class is being dynamically added to controls and is also associated with a static control on the page.

My goal is simply to have these controls fade in once the page has finished loading.

Below is the script I am using:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('.fadeInLoad').each(function (i, obj) {

Here is the corresponding CSS Code:


Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Make sure to set the display property to none in the class rule. Otherwise, it will attempt to fade in an element that is already visible.

Additionally, as suggested by @Blazemonger, you can directly use .fadeIn() on the jQuery selector call.

Take a look at this example

$(document).ready(function() {
.fadeInLoad {
  color: #0d0d0d;
  display: none; /* This display setting is necessary */
<script src=""></script>
<div>Does not fade in</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>
<div class="fadeInLoad">Fades In</div>

Answer №2

Does the code work for you? Are the nodes with the class fadeInLoad in the page source or are they loaded via Ajax?

Here is a demo that shows it working:

Live Demo

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.fadeInLoad').each(function (i, obj) {

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