Troubleshooting Problem with Button Image Display in CSS

I have created a custom CSS for a PayPal sprite that I made.

Below is an image comparison showing how it appears in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Here is the code to display the sprite:

.ppsprite {
background: url('/images/paypal_sprite.png') no-repeat scroll 0px 0px transparent;

.ppsprite:hover {
background: url('/images/paypal_sprite.png') no-repeat scroll 0px -100px transparent;

The HTML code to display the sprite is:

<input class="ppsprite" type="image" name="submit" alt="">

Shown below are screenshots of how the sprite displays in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

The sprite functions correctly in all browsers, but there may be some minor issues such as a border in IE and a missing image icon in the top left corner. In Chrome and Safari, the sprite may also show the alt text on top of the image.

Answer №1

To include a src attribute in your input tag, follow these steps:

<input class="ppsprite" type="image" name="submit" alt="" src="images/blank.gif">

Simply generate a file named blank.gif There is no need to modify it; ensure it is located in the correct directory.

Answer №2

Avoid using an image-input for your sprite design - it is clear that a broken-link-icon should be displayed as there is no image set via the src attribute. Perhaps consider replacing the input with an a (a link) or a button (type="button" or type="submit"). The latter option should work without any other changes, as a type="submit" would still submit the form just like type="image" does (and the clicked x/y-coordinates are not necessary in this case).

The border is simply appearing because an input-image has a default border in some browsers - you can easily remove it by adding border: 0; to .ppsprite (however, it is advisable not to use an input-image at all in this scenario).

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