Troubleshooting problem with AngularJS ng-repeat

Seeking assistance with an angularjs issue as a newcomer to the platform. Building a photo gallery where the initial page displays thumbnail photos from twitter and instagram using ng-repeat loop. Hovering over an image fades it out, revealing a button for users to click, triggering a light box overlay with the full-size image. The latest version can be viewed online: . Below is the code snippet. Successfully developed the thumbnail display but facing challenges with the light-box feature, where only the first image in the collection appears regardless of which one is clicked. This seems to stem from an issue within ng-repeat loop. Images are stored in each object under mainImage.url, accessed through x.mainImage.url in the loop. Questioning why it's not functioning correctly and any assistance would be appreciated.

    * {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        font-family: sans-serif;

        overflow: hidden;

    // AngularJS module, controller, and API calls

Answer №1

Concealing it using the id is not the correct approach, as the id should always be unique.

Here is a simple solution:

Follow these steps:

Include these styles as we will utilize an Angular directive called ng-class

.show {
    pointer-events: auto !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;
    opacity: 0 !important; 
    pointer-events: none !important;

In your HTML file, utilize ng-init to establish a scope variable for your ng-repeat that manages the display/hide functionality. It's up to you to clean up the id's.

<div id="outer-wrapper" class="outer-wrapper">          
        <div id="inner-wrapper" class="inner-wrapper" ng-repeat="x in insideData" ng-init="show = false">
            <img ng-if="x.service=='Instagram'||(x.service=='Twitter' && x.mediaType=='image')" ng-src='{{x.thumbnails[0].url}}'>
            <div class="outer-caption" ng-if="x.service=='Twitter'&& x.mediaType!='image'">
                <div class="inner-caption">{{x.caption}}</div>
            <div class="item-overlay-color"></div>
            <!--We do this because we don't have reference of show in the controller-->
            <div class="item-overlay-text" ng-click="show = true">VIEW</div>
            <!--In here we handle the show and hide-->
          <div id="page-overlay" class="page-overlay" ng-class="{'show': show, 'hide': !show}">
             <div class="text">
                 <img ng-src='{{x.mainImage.url}}'>
                 <span class="close" ng-click="show = false">X</span>

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