Troubleshooting issue with applying hover effect to child divs

How come when I hover over one of the child items in my parentDiv, the background of the last childDiv changes no matter which child I place my mouse on?

for (let i = 0; i < Number(height); i++)
        for (let j = 0; j < Number(width); j++)
            var childDiv = document.createElement("div");
            childDiv.className = "childDiv";
   = "#e6e6e6";
   = `${i};${j}`
            childDiv.onclick = () => = "black";
            childDiv.onmouseenter = () => = "#cccccc";                
            childDiv.onmouseleave = () => = "#e6e6e6";

Answer №1

Modify the variable declaration from var to let:

let childDiv = document.createElement("div");

You can view a functional example here. Additionally, for more information on the variance between var and let, it essentially boils down to this: using var childDiv creates the variable once during the first iteration, making it visible outside of for loops. On the other hand, with let childDiv, the variable is created separately on each iteration within the loop and is not accessible outside of it. Arrow functions ()=>{} utilize the value of childDiv set in the last iteration after the loop execution when declared with var; whereas, declaring with let creates a new instance for each iteration.

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