Troubleshooting Firefox HTML Positioning Problem (Functioning Properly in IE and Chrome)

After implementing the code below, I encountered an issue. In IE and Chrome, when hovering over the "CODE" section, the div correctly appears at position 100 x 100. However, in Firefox, the div fails to move to the specified position. What changes should be made to resolve this issue?

Here is the code snippet responsible for positioning the div:

$('#tooltip').css({ left: 100 + "px", top: 100 + "px", position: "absolute" })

--Complete Code --

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">



<style type="text/css">



        background-color: Orange;

        position: absolute;

        border-style: solid;

        border-width: 2px;

        border-bottom: solid 2px black;



<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    function showDiv(batchId, vendorId) {

 = "block";

        batch.innerHTML = batchId;

        vendor.innerHTML = vendorId;

        $('#tooltip').css({ left: 100 + "px", top: 100 + "px", position: "absolute" })







        <table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="MainContent_grdTooltip" style="border-collapse: collapse;">


                <th scope="col">MainID</th>

                <th scope="col">SecondID</th>

                <th scope="col">CODE</th>





                <td onmouseover="showDiv(101,999999991)">55789</td>




    <div id="tooltip" class="tooltip">



                <td>Main Id:</td>

                <td id="batch"></td>



                <td>Second Id:</td>

                <td id="vendor"></td>







Answer №1

Check out this jsfiddle showcasing your code.

The issue, as identified by firebug, stems from your script. You are trying to access a variable 'tooltip' that hasn't been defined. While Chrome and IE overlook this error and continue running, Firefox encounters it and halts.

Update your code like so:

 function showDiv(batchId, vendorId) { = "block";

    batch.innerHTML = batchId;

    vendor.innerHTML = vendorId;

    $('#tooltip').css({ left: 100 + "px", top: 100 + "px", position: "absolute" })


to this:

function showDiv(batchId, vendorId) {




    $('#tooltip').css({ left: 100 + "px", top: 100 + "px", position: "absolute" })


edit: I acknowledge the redundancy of calling the jQuery css function on $("#tooltip") twice. I aimed to maintain the original code flow as closely as possible :)

Answer №2

In order for the "absolute" positioning to affect your element, the parent element needs to have its position defined as either relative or absolute. Therefore, in your specific scenario, you should include the CSS property "position: relative" on the TD element that triggers the onmouseover event.

Answer №3

When working with jQuery, remember to use the CSS method correctly like so:

$("#element").css(property, value);

It's recommended to handle events in your scripts in this manner:

$("#element").mouseover(function() {
    $("#tooltip").css("display", "block");

When positioning an element absolutely, make sure its parent is positioned relatively.

Answer №4

give this method a try

                <script type="text/javascript>
            function displayInfo(batchNumber, provider) {
                document.getElementById('tooltip-display').style.display = "block";
                document.getElementById('batch-info').innerHTML = batchNumber;
               // batch.innerHTML = batchNumber;
                document.getElementById('provider-info').innerHTML = provider;
                //provider.innerHTML = provider;


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