Troubleshooting a Selected Menu Problem in jQuery CSS

Hello, I have implemented a jQuery script to change the color of a menu item when it is selected:

    background-color: red;

The corresponding HTML code is as follows:

<ul id="nav-container">
    <li id="welcome">
        <a href="/" >Welcome</a>

    <li id="find">
        <a href="/find">Find</a>

    <li id="talk">
        <a href="/talk">Talk</a>

    <li id="events">
        <a href="/event">Events</a>

The issue I am facing is that once the page is refreshed or navigated to a new page, the color for the selected item is not retained. Can anyone provide any insights on what I may be missing in my implementation? Thank you.

Answer №1

After the page reloads, jQuery is unable to determine which option you selected. You must either assign the selected class using server-side code (such as PHP) or implement a check on page load in jQuery to identify the current page and apply the selected class accordingly.

Answer №2

It's important to keep in mind that when using addClass, the changes will only be visible within the current document. Utilizing SessionID and PHP can help extend these effects beyond just the current page.

Answer №3

Here is a suggestion for you to try out:

    var $ul = $("#nav-container");
    var path = window.location.pathname;
    var $a = $('a[href="'+path+'"]', $ul);
    if ( $a && $a.length ) {
        var $li = $a.parent();

Additionally, consider removing the click function that you currently have implemented.

Answer №4

It's completely normal for Javascript behavior to reset when a page is reloaded because the context of the script is specific to that particular page. If you want to maintain element highlighting across reloads, you can consider using cookies or server-side code (sessions).

To implement persistent highlighting with cookies, you can set a cookie like shown in this example: Cookie Tutorial. You may also use a plugin like Custom Plugin.

        $.cookie("highlightedItem", $(this).attr('id'), { path: '/' })

 $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#" + $.cookie("highlightedItem")).addClass('highlighted')

Please note that I have not tested this code personally, but it should work as intended. Keep in mind that users must have cookies enabled for this feature to function properly.

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