Troubleshooting a CSS template with padding and margin discrepancies

I have a question regarding my code:

Within my code, I am attempting to accomplish three tasks but I seem to be encountering some difficulty.

  1. Eliminate padding below "admin" (where you see the green background)
  2. Get rid of padding above the list (where you see the green background)
  3. Add a 1px space on the left side of each list item (to reveal the green background).

Despite applying the following code, I am unsure of where the extra space is originating from:

* {
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0px;
    border: 0px;

In an attempt to create the 1px space between each list item, I implemented the code below, however it does not appear to be functioning as expected:

#header ul li {
padding-left: 1px;

Could someone kindly point out where I may be making an error? Thank you!

Answer №1

Your excessive spacing is caused by the following CSS rule

#header h1, #header ul, #header ul li {
    background: white;
    padding: 5px 12px;

Notice how you are adding padding to both ul and its li children within the ul? This cumulative effect results in extra space.

The lack of a green background is due to setting the entire ul background to white with the same rule.

You can also experiment with changing padding-left on li elements to margin-left:

#header li{
    margin-left: 10px

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