I am currently attempting to utilize bootstrap's tooltip feature on a dynamically created set of divs. When hovering, I can see in Chrome's inspector that the div itself is being modified correctly (title value is passed to data-original-title) and that the generated tooltip's div is being appended as expected (either next to my div or in the body if specified), but nothing actually shows up. After searching for a solution, I stumbled upon a jsfiddle explaining a fix for another tooltip-related issue, only to discover it had the exact same problem. I have simplified the example so you can see for yourself: http://jsfiddle.net/uDF4N/95/
<a id="hop" data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Apps">coucou</a>
Upon hovering, the tooltip appears in the DOM but remains invisible. I even tried testing it with IE11 without success.
Any insights into what might be causing this issue?