Trouble with line breaks in expandable rows of data grid causing clarity issues

Exploring the expandable rows feature of Clarity datagrid for the first time. I initially thought I could insert any HTML code within the collapsed view to show content.

Using VMware's expandable datagrid:

However, I am facing an issue where even when I explicitly include the <br> tag, the line break is not functioning.

<clr-dg-row-detail *clrIfExpanded>
    <h2> 1st Line </h2>
    <h3> Why is the next line not appearing on a new line? </h3>

I am unsure if I am overlooking a fundamental concept, but this is frustrating, and I am struggling to find a solution. Here is the link to my stackblitz project:

Answer №1

Your issue with the expanded content container stems from the use of display: flex, which is causing the block items to flex to fit the container. To resolve this, you can simply wrap it in a single block element as shown below.

<clr-dg-row-detail *clrIfExpanded>
    <h2> Header 2 </h2>
    <h3> Header 3 </h3>

We will investigate this further to find a more sustainable solution, but in the meantime, this workaround should help you move forward.

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