Trouble with JQuery Image Bubbles on Internet Explorer

I have been experimenting with implementing Jquery Image Bubbles using the following example:

However, I encountered a JavaScript error when testing it in my Fiddle:

I found that trying to load the JavaScript file from the dynamicdrive Demo Page directly into the Fiddle did not work. However, manually copying the JavaScript code did work as expected.

Answer №1

An error was popping up indicating that the imgbubbles method was not found. This suggested that the resource was not being loaded into the fiddle properly. Thankfully, the solution turned out to be quite straightforward.

Instead of attempting to load the file from the dynamicdrive domain, I decided to copy it to my project folder and load it from there. In the fiddle, I included the actual source code for the plugin in the JavaScript panel, effectively resolving the issue with the missing method.

Check out the demo: (Verified on IE 7 to 10)

Answer №2

JSLint recommends adding semicolons to the JavaScript code, as shown below:

 $('ul#orbs').imgbubbles({factor:3.15, speed:1500});

However, the code seems to function correctly even without them.

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