Trouble with jQuery delay in updating the CSS attribute while using fadeIn

After writing a simple JQuery code, I noticed that every time I click on 'eat', the animation lags. Is there any way to preload this animation for smoother performance?

The #custom_menu element is a full-page section with a fixed position (similar to a popup window).

    $('#menu').css('opacity', '0');
    $('#custom_menu').css("display", "block").hide().fadeIn(500);
    $('#custom_menu').css("overflow-y", "scroll");
    $('body').css("overflow-y", 'hidden');

Answer №1

What is the reason for using jquery to set css properties? It might be more efficient to create a custom css class, place all styles there, and then use jquery to add or remove that class.

In addition, as suggested by Steven, consider raising the fadeIn duration.

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