I've been attempting to modify the semantic-ui theme in the theme.config file, but I'm not seeing any changes take effect. There are no errors showing up in gulp or anything.
Even after deleting the semantic.min.css file and rebuilding it, changing the theme has no impact whatsoever.
An example of what's in the theme.config file:
/* Elements */
@button : 'Amazon';
@container : 'material';
@divider : 'material';
@flag : 'material';
@header : 'material';
@icon : 'material';
@image : 'material';
@input : 'material';
@label : 'material';
@list : 'material';
@loader : 'material';
@rail : 'material';
@reveal : 'material';
@segment : 'material';
@step : 'material';
Does anyone have an idea of what mistake I might be making?
I've even gone as far as reinstalling semantic on a different project, but I still can't figure out why it isn't working.