Trouble encountered with CodePen and jQuery

I decided to create a webpage that showcases random quotes sourced from QuotesOnDesign API. However, I encountered an issue with the "New Quote" element not triggering the getQuote function when clicked. To take a look at my code, kindly follow this link:

CodePen Random Quote

The problem seems to be related to jQuery, as indicated by the error message in Chrome console stating that the script (referring to jQuery) failed to load. Interestingly enough, when I click on "New Quote" with Developer Tools open in Chrome, it works perfectly fine!

Answer №1

When you initially call the API, the browser caches the response and uses it for subsequent calls. To solve this issue, add a cachebuster to the URL.

If the code works when you open the console, it's likely because you have enabled the Disable cache (while DevTools is open) option.

function getQuote() {
  var cb = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
  $.getJSON("[orderby]=rand&filter[posts_per_page]=1&callback=" + cb, function(a) {
    $(".quote-text").html(a[0].content + "<p>— " + a[0].title + "</p>");

Check out the Working CodePen example

Answer №2

To completely eliminate the function call, you can opt for using $.ajax in the following manner:

$(".button").on("click", function(e) {
      url: '[orderby]=rand&filter[posts_per_page]=1',
      success: function(data) {
        $(".quote-text").html(data[0].content + "<p>— " + data[0].title + "</p>")
      cache: false

By setting cache: false, you ensure that caching is disabled for each individual call, resulting in new content being displayed whenever the button is clicked.

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