Triggering jQuery events can be customized by excluding certain elements using the

Is there a way to hide the div "popu" when clicking on the img "tri"? I've tried using .not() since the img is a child of the div popu, but it didn't work. Also, I need to make sure that clicking on the div "textb" does not trigger the hide action.


<div id="re" class="column">
    <div id="s" class="popu">
        <img class="tri" src="img/whtri.png"/>
        <div class="textb">
            <center style="font-size:14px;">Item Title</center>
            <span style="font-size:12px;">Description this is an item that is very good and i like it very much! I like
                <span class="highl">More...</span>
            <span style=""></span>


$("body").click(function (e) {
    if (!$(".popu").length.not(".tri")) {

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, I would greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

Instead of using a `.parent()` function, you can also utilize the .ancestor() method:

$('img.tri').click(function() {

Alternatively, you can use the .closest() method as well:

$('img.tri').click(function() {

Check out the Fiddle Demo here

Answer №2

Another option is to utilize:

$('.triangle').on('click', function(){

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