Trigger the onClick event of an element only if it was not clicked on specific child elements

<div onClick={()=>do_stuff()}>
  <div classname="div-1"></div>
  <div classname="div-2"></div>
  <div classname="div-3"></div>
  <div classname="div-4"></div>
  <div classname="div-5"></div>

When you click on the parent element, it will trigger a function called do_stuff(), but this should only happen if the click did not target elements with class names like div-4 or div-5.

If you are using React, how would you implement this functionality?

Answer №1

event.stopPropogation() is the solution to this issue.

<div onClick={()=>do_stuff()}>
  <div classname="div-1"></div>
  <div classname="div-2"></div>
  <div classname="div-3"></div>
  <div classname="div-4" onClick={(event) => event.stopPropogation()}></div>
  <div classname="div-5" onClick={(event) => event.stopPropogation()}></div>

When dealing with nested HTML elements, click events follow a specific order up the hierarchy. Child components' onclicks are triggered first, followed by parent components' onclicks. Regardless of how deeply nested the elements may be, click events always start at the lowest nested level and work their way up through 'propagation'. To prevent clicks from propagating further up, simply invoke stopPropogation(). Once the callback with stop propagation is executed, the remaining call stack is cleared.

Answer №2

To verify the event target, you can use in conjunction with Element#matches.

function handleEvent(event) {
  if (!'.div-4, .div-5')) {
<div onClick={handleEvent}>
    { /* ... */ }

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